New Insignia St Cosmo From Denmark..

  • Hi med dig,

    So great to see somebody from Denmark, which is acutally my scond Homeland, beacuse my wife is from Saeby in NorthJydland.

    So have fun here in the community...

    Jeg er ikke sa godt snakker dansk, men du har en lekker bil.. det kann du tro! :auto:

    Skol for Denmark :D

    Greetings from Hamburg

  • Hello Mads,

    congraftulations. this is an amazing car and your pictures are very impressive.
    we wish you all the best and a great time with your new Insignia.

    best regards


    bestellt 03.09.2015:
    ST Business Innovation CDTI 170PS AT
    Platin-Anthrazit, Premium-Paket Leder Sienna schwarz perforiert, 18" Rotor-Design, FlexOrganizer-Paket, FlexRide-Premium-Fahrwerk, Sitzventilation, Bose-Sound, DAB+ Panoramadach, Sonnenschutzrollos, Performance-Paket, Anhängerzugvorrichtung, Seitenairbags hinten, 230V-Steckdose, Quickheat, AFL+, 8" Fahrerinformationsdisplay
    Spaß mit dem Dicken seit 27.11.2015
    km-Stand Ende Juli 2016: 42.000

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von boeserhannes ()

  • Hi Mads
    perfect car expect the engine, it is a little bit to weak, but that is my optinion, :D it is your car, have fun with it.

    Nice to have you here in that community
    greetigs from south Germany to Denmark

    VFL ST Z28NET AF40 Innovation Infinity OPC Line Panno