Haldex and tire wear

  • Hello Guys,

    i have problem with my high tire wear on rear axle. I put new tires before 15tkm and front looks like new and rear are dead. Tires are equally wear. I have also bigger car consumption. I also have problems when the road is slippery or i rode over a canal or center line so rear axle seems to get slip or it feels like that rear axle is thrown sideways. I think that there is no any problem with haldex but i change oil and filter and no any change. It seems that there is some problem with rear differential that maybe is locked up under some condition or i do not know, because i tried to pull out the fuse for rear axle but without any change. I think that there is also some valve for the LSD but is strange that this problem is same even i pull out the fuse. No any DTC on dash.

  • Hi Darry,

    this spring I had to drive with two diffrent tires on rear axle for some kilometers. above 130 km/h differential lock seemed to be engaged.
    I think my issue was caused by minimal tolerance in tire circumfence.

    Reflected to your issue:
    I can imagine that for any reason your EPS control unit gets wrong (but by system plausible) information on tire rotation.


  • Yesterday we fully check car on diagnostic and no any problem found. I think that when there will be problem with ESP so i will get symbol on dash when the tyre get slip or something. For me is this system so much sofisticated to prevent any problem.